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    重慶生日策劃選哪種背景音樂(lè )好,生日策劃?


    很多父母都在為寶寶生日現場(chǎng)播放什么音樂(lè )而煩惱,下面小編為大家帶來(lái)一些寶寶生日背景音樂(lè )推薦,中文引文都有哦,小編列出來(lái)供大家參考。

    重慶生日策劃選哪種背景音樂(lè )好,生日策劃?壹

    寶寶生日英文背景音樂(lè )精選

    Where Is the Pinky Ponk Going-.

    The Haahoos.

    Everybody Loves Jumping!.

    Tittifers Verse 4.

    Time for Tombliboos to Clean Their Teeth.

    The Night Garden Dance.

    The Tittifers Bedtime Song

    重慶生日策劃選哪種背景音樂(lè )好,生日策劃?貳

    寶寶生日英文背景音樂(lè )精選

    Time to Go to Sleep.

    In the Night Garden Closing Theme.

    In the Night Garden Opening Theme.

    Oh No! It's the Ninky Nonk!.

    Hello Igglepiggle!.

    Igglepiggle Goes for a Walk.

    寶寶生日英文背景音樂(lè )精選

    Hello Upsy Daisy!.

    Upsy Daisy Kisses Everything in the Garden.

    Tittifers Verse 1.

    It's the Tombliboos' House!.

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